Soft as a Pussy

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Simple Yet Loud

About Us

At KnT…. We embrace the ABC


I see you looking at that sweater from big brands.. like N1k3, Abbibas… and that price made you look like you just saw a pig honking…

Right, it doesn’t make sense. $80 for a sweater?! $60 for a T-shirt?! Ima pass…

We want our clothes to be affordable in today’s market.

None of our clothing is priced over $50.

We prioritize comfort, and affordability first.

THEN we tackle the uniqueness and some spice.

I’ve heard people telling me, “Nobody will wear that in public.” “No big brand is going to work with you because it’s too explicit.”

But…what’s wrong with me wearing what I like?!

Be Bold! Be you!

Especially now a days, everything and anything we do is under scrutiny. You could be saving a kitty drowning and someone, somewhere will criticize your pussy saving technique.. 😏

Seriously, it’s the 2 best things on earth. Kitties (both…hehe) and titties! We love our women, and they love us.

KnT CapSweSho '24 Set

KnT '24 Collection

KnT '24 Collection

'24 Collection of apparel is our 1st generation of KnTapparel's design.  Simple...